Fluffy Chickens

Fluffy chickens are characterized by their thick, large down feathers and varied plumage. Chickens like the Silkie and Polish have distinct hair-like feathers that make them appear as if they are covered in fur. In addition to being fluffy, certain breeds may display unique traits like feathered feet or beard-like feathering.

Fluffy Chickens

List of Fluffy Chicken Breeds

The fluffy chicken breeds listed below are typically friendly and docile, often kept as pets.

BreedSize (in lbs)Colors
Silkie2-3Black, Blue, Buff, Lavender, Paint, Partridge, Porcelain, Splash, and White
Cochin8-11Barred, Black, Blue, Brown, Buff, Golden-laced, Partridge, Silver-laced, and White
Frizzle5-8Black, Blue, Buff, Columbian, Cuckoo, Red, and White
Ameraucana4-7Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, and White
Orpington8-10Black, Blue, Buff, and White
Brahma9-18Light, Buff, and Dark
Polish4-6Gold, Silver, White, and White-crested Black
Dorking8-14Colored, Red, Silver-Gray, and White
Houdan6-8Black, Cuckoo, Mottled, Pearl-gray, and White
Bearded d’Uccle1.4-1.6Black, Golden Neck, Millefleur, Mottled, Porcelain, Self-blue, and White
Orloff6-8Black, Black-tailed Red, Cuckoo, Mahogany, Spangled, and White
Faverolles6-8Mainly Salmon, also Black, Blue, Cuckoo, Ermine, Mahogany, Splash, and White
Marans5-9Black, Black Copper, Wheaten, and White
Chantecler6-9White and Partridge
Yokohama2-6Red-saddled and White
Wyandotte6-9Black, Blue, Buff, Columbian, Golden-laced, Partridge, Silver-laced, Silver-penciled, and White
Easter Egger4-6Varied

Special Considerations For Fluffy Chickens

While fluffy chickens are cute, it is important to keep a few factors in mind before raising them.

  • Limited Climate Tolerance —  Breeds with fluffy feathers might struggle in extreme temperatures, like the Silkie in the cold (as its excessive feathers do not retain heat) or the Orpington in the heat (whose plumage can cause heat stress). So, it’s essential to consider the climate before getting these chickens.
  • More Sensitive to Water — Fluffy chickens thrive best in dry environments, as their dense plumage makes them more vulnerable to getting wet. Water droplets can accumulate on their feathers, increasing their risk of catching a cold. The coop they live in should provide a dry environment to maintain their warmth.
  • Likely to be Bullied — Their different feathers often cause these chickens to face unwanted attention and bullying from their fellow coop mates. This can be lowered by introducing several similar chickens into the flock.
  • Requires Specialized Coops — Breeds like Silkies and Frizzles are less adept at flying due to their unique plumage. As a result, they need lower roosts and nesting boxes in their coops.

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