Home > Geese > American Buff Goose

Published on 12th June 2021 by staff

American Buff Goose

The American Buff goose is an extremely rare poultry breed that was developed in the USA, and is mostly used by small farmers. They are the largest among the geese belonging to the medium weight class. These gentle geese do not need extreme care, and are a good choice as pets for a home flock. Interestingly, their buff color is not common in waterfowls, with most other wild and domesticated geese having combinations of gray, white, and black.

American Buff Goose
American Buff Gooses

Quick Information

CharacteristicsSimilar in appearance to the Brecon Buff breed; well-built, medium-sized birds with a white stomach; feet, shank and bills are orange; eyes are dark hazel; males are slightly heavier than females
TemperamentDocile, tamable, intelligent, affectionate, curious, sociable, good with children
Plumage ColorsApricot, fawn, buff; goslings (chicks) have yellowish down
PurposesDual purpose: Meat and egg production
WeightAdult Gander: 10 – 12.6 kg
Adult Goose: 9 – 12 kg
DietNormal waterfowl diet; eats slugs, snails, crustaceans, insects; needs regular access to clean water
Country of OriginUSA

History and Origin

The American Buff Goose was produced from the Greylag breed of geese of Europe and Asia, like most other breeds of domesticated geese. However, it is not clear whether this breed has been independently bred from a mutation with grey geese or from the imported stock of buffs from Europe.

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy has enlisted this rare breed in the ‘critical’ category on their conservation priority list.

In 1947, the American Buff was recognized for the first time by the ‘American Poultry Association’.

American Buff Goose Pictures
American Buff Goose Baby

Meat and Egg Production

They produce almost 10-25 eggs each year. The eggs are large and white. The meat of the American Buff is a tasty, rich, and dark.

American Buff Goose Eggs
American Buff Goose Babies

Interesting Facts

  • The American Buffs have been included in the ‘Slow Food USA’s Ark of Taste’ – a catalog of heritage foods that are in danger of extinction.
  • In 2003, there were lesser than 500 breeding American Buffs, and 5 or lesser breeding flocks.

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