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Published on 5th December 2022 by staff

Czech Goose

Czech Goose
Czech Goose

The Czech Goose is a breed of purely white, domesticated waterfowl that originated in the Czech Republic. These good looking water-birds somewhat resemble the Roman Geese, but are smaller in stature, and have been classified as a ‘light breed’. Apart from meat and eggs, the Czech Goose is also valued for its feathers.

Also Known AsBohemian Goose, Czechoslovakia White Goose, Tschechische Gänse (German)
Physical CharacteristicsThough the body has a light weight, but is broad, plump, and oval shaped in profile with a sturdy, slightly curved neck; have a sign of a paunch, though some matured females might show a single-lobed paunch. The color of the beak is orange to orangish red with a pale bean, while the legs are also of the same color as the beak
Ring Size24 mm (both sexes)
VarietiesTwo variations: with and without crest on the head
TemperamentActive, alert, docile, friendly, noisy
Plumage ColorsBoth males and females are only pure white
Uses/UtilityMeat production, Egg production, Feather
EggsLarge and white; 10-25 per year with each egg weighing about 120 gm
MeatExtremely tasty, fine quality
Popular TraitsEasy to rear, low cost, excellent foragers, hardy
Weight (size)Adult Gander: 5.5 – 6.6 kg

Adult Goose: 3.5 – 5.6 kg
DietGrass, cereals, and other green crops and plants; poultry foods; organic foods; need regular access to clean water
Country of OriginCzech Republic

History and Development

This breed is a landrace, and has been reared and kept in the Czech Lands for a few centuries. Though the detailed history of the Czech geese is not clearly known, they originated in the region of Bohemia, an area occupying the western two-third part of the then Czechoslovakia (now known as the Czech Republic), but were developed in Germany.

Until the middle of the 19th century, the Czech Goose was an extremely important source of income for small scale farmers. Every year, more than 50,000 geese were exported to Germany’s Bavaria, more than 1,000 tons of feathers to Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, and France, while Germany, Belgium and even England imported 100 tons of eggs. Later, this breed was standardized in the United Kingdom in 2008, while in Germany in 2009.

Czech Goose Pictures
Czech Gooses


This is an ideal breed for small-scale extensive farming. They became a popular poultry-bird, and were widely domesticated in the Czech countryside mostly because of the fact that it needs little space to thrive or to breed. The goose is hardy, fast growing, and has a good grazing ability, making them a good choice for first-time or hobby farmers. They have lower feeding demands, making its breeding more profitable than other broiler hybrids or heavier breeds.

Egg/Meat Production

The Czech females can lay anything between 10-20 eggs every year. They are also good mothers, with strong maternal feelings. The parents take care of the goslings until they are independent.

Since, this is one of the lightest goose breeds, the meat producing capacity is also much lower compared to the other breeds of geese. However, the quality of meat is known to be tastier and finer, and is a very popular table bird in the European cuisines, especially for the roast recipes.

Czech Geese

Interesting Facts

  • Czech Goose is the only breed of geese native to the Czech Lands.
  • The feather of this waterfowl is so soft that, for many centuries, it had been a valuable material for filling pillows and quilts.
  • When this breed was standardized in Germany in 2009, it was renamed as the ‘Bohemian Goose’.

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