Home > Turkey > Gers Turkey (Dindon du Gers)

Published on 5th December 2022 by staff

Gers Turkey (Dindon du Gers)

Gers Turkey
Gers Turkey

The Gers Turkey is an ancient breed of black turkeys that was developed in France. This breed is very rare and is threatened with extinction. They are the heaviest of all the French turkeys, and are known for their elegant, beautiful looks.

CharacteristicsLarge to medium-sized birds with a strong head, broad and bare structure, and a large bib; the frontal appendix is well developed, while the beak is dark colored
PlumageEntirely black feathers with light tan reflection and bronze, brown and green tone at the back; tail feathers have bronze tones which are seen only when the toms display
BeardExtra long; Resembles an old-fashioned curly wig, with the dulap being red and the wattle milky pink
TemperamentDocile, easy to tame
PurposesMeat (previously), ornamental purposes
Popular TraitsHardy; very resistant and can stay outdoors in extreme weather conditions including rains and snow
FlyingYes (short distances)
EggsLarge; white to pale white
Meat Production7-13 kilos (market live-weight)
DietFruits, breads, chicken pellets, all types of grains, and plants like nettles; they also prefer live foods like insects, and also mice and young rats; domestic chicks are often fed with eggs, buttermilk and mealworms
SizeAdult Tom: 10-13 kg

Adult Hen: 7-8 kg
Country of OriginGers Department, France


Nothing much is known about the history or specific origin of this breed. However, these black turkeys, like most other black breeds, are thought to have been brought to France by the Jesuits during the early 16th century, and were spread by the nobility and the church. It got its name from where it originated – the Gers region (‘department’) in France, located in the Pyrenees mountain range.

Dindon du Gers
Gers Turkey Pictures
Dindon du Gers Pictures
Dindon du Gers Images

Interesting Facts

  • When a tom turkey gets excited, its face turns cyan or sky blue.
  • The hen turkeys are exceptionally caring and would even take care of the poults of other hens.
  • Adults have a huge appetite, and might even die because of overfeeding.

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